Wednesday, March 24, 2010


multi grain rice with dried carrot leaf and umeboshi
stir fry
steamed broccoli

Today, I had a leftover fake sausage, so I put it in the stir fry for protein. I need to think more about how I can put more protein in a lunch box.
Barley, millet, quinoa, and sesami seed in the rice. I cooked the rice with a rice cooker which has a timer, so I put all the grains in the rice cooker just before I went to bed last night, and tada~! it was ready in the morning:-)


  1. love the explanations so that I can try some of it at home! I will take photos of the lunches I send so you can giggle.

  2. I'll try to make more explanations:-) I saw the Jamie Oliver's show. He inspired me a lot. I want to do what I can do, and it might be this blog!
