Saturday, September 4, 2010

9/3 : vegan quiche

We love this vegan quiche, especially my daughter. It's made with tofu. What I like is that the pie part is made out of brown rice. Beans and rice, and some vegetables too! It's balanced meal:-) I got this recipe from here.

I'm still getting help from fake meat for almost every meal. My friend and I were talking about how we could eat healthy yesterday, and we both were against process food. I'm inconsistent.
Last night my husband point out if I make twice much of dinner, I won't need to use fake meat so much, like this quiche. He also said I will have more time. I agree.

1 comment:

  1. Sayo,
    I use fake meat too. I am inconsistent too... it is hard. I love your passion for cooking and your passion for making healthy meals that will help your family be their best.
    You always inspire me to be a better, more thought, cook. Thank you.

